These points can be stolen from other players when defeating them. Once an opponent within a valid level range is successfully taken down, the player is rewarded with a temporary currency known as Prestige Points, which accumulates with every kill. Putting on a faction costume also unlocks daily factions quests and faction-specific Windstride locations.There is no penalty for killing any player of an opposing faction.Changing from a faction costume to a neutral costume takes 5 seconds, whereas changing from a neutral to a faction costume is immediate.
Swapping out gear while in combat is not allowed. A player not wearing a faction outfit cannot be attacked. Players are not be able to attack players whose names are not red, and when flagged they will be open to attack by any flagged players of the opposing faction. The character's name changes to red as well as the names of other players wearing the costume of different factions. They can then battle freely with the players who wear the opposing faction's costume. Players who wish to actively engage in player battles need to equip faction costumes and will be 'flagged'. World PvP is completely optional for players, and is supported by a flagging system manipulated by the use of faction costumes (for example, Crimson Legion vs Cerulean Order). 2.5 Tactics and Strategies in the Arena.